When we have received a gift, especially a precious gift like healing, our first response should be gratitude. Great gratitude to Our Lord Jesus Christ, the giver of healing. But our second response should be to want to share the gift with others.
A wonderful Irish priest and missionary, Fr. Robert Bradshaw, once said that our faith is like a box of chocolates – very expensive chocolates. If we receive such a gift, and selfishly want to keep it all to ourselves, then we are going to get sick. A gift like that is meant to be shared with others!
Forgiveness for our past sins, and healing from the wounds of sin, are much greater gifts than a mere box of chocolates! In fact, they are infinitely valuable because they help to prepare us for eternal life with God in heaven. So, having received these gifts, we need to reach out in love to share these gifts with others. But how? We need to have our eyes and ears open, our hearts tuned to the expressions, the words, the body language of other people – when people are hurting, there are usually some signs that they are in pain, anguish, grief. Be Christ to them! Speak to them with love – truly caring about them, their eternal welfare and happiness – it may be the beginning of another human person coming to receive the healing and happiness that only Christ Jesus can give!
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