On Pentecost Sunday, there were about 120 disciples of Jesus gathered in the upper room. They had witnessed the Resurrection of Jesus. They had seen Him, spoken to Him, and they knew that He was truly alive. But alive in a new and more powerful way than when He was before His Crucifixion.
Even though the apostles and disciples knew that Jesus had risen, they were still afraid. They had not yet received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. But on that Sunday, there was a sound “as of a strong driving wind,” and “tongues as of fire.” It was not a wind, and it was not fire, but these are the best descriptors that could be given for what happened. The Holy Spirit came down upon them with power, and made them witnesses. Witnesses to the Risen Lord Jesus! They were filled with peace, joy, love, wisdom, courage… all the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
They began to bear witness to the truth of the Resurrection — and 3,000 believers were added that very day! Men and women who had been living in fear had been transformed, and they began to change the world.
You and I have also received the grace of the Holy Spirit. We first received the Spirit in our baptism, when we were grafted into Christ Jesus. And then we received the Holy Spirit in a powerful outpouring in Confirmation. Every Pentecost, we celebrate the reality of the Holy Spirit, and His divine gifts, and pray for their renewal in us.
But like those first disciples, we are called to bear witness to the Truth. Our modern secular society has become a veritable “culture of death,” as Pope St. John Paul II so often told us. And we — you and I — have been rescued out of the culture of death. And we must bear witness to the truth of the absolute value and sanctity of every human life, from conception until natural death.
But how can we bear witness? How do we spread the truth? Ultimately, it will be one heart at a time. One person bearing witness to another person. Sharing the truth in love. But there are some great aids to sharing the truth with others.
There is a new effort by a large group of pro-life organizations to work together to more effectively spread the truth about abortion, and about the value of every human life. It celebrates the gift of motherhood, and the important role of fatherhood. Here is a link to a group of short (1-2 minute) videos, that we encourage you to watch, download, and share with others. Share them on social media, yes, but more importantly, share them with individual persons. Use them as an opportunity to witness, one-one-one and heart-to-heart, with those in your circle of influence.
Today, let us begin again our efforts to bear witness to the truth of human life. The truth that every life is a gift. The truth that we have been saved and set free from the grief and pain of abortion, and that we want to save others from that grief and pain. Let us share the truth, and invoke the Holy Spirit to give us the courage we need to do it!
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