Jesus Christ is the King of the Universe! Is He the King of our hearts, our lives, our families, our relationships? Have we blocked out His kingly rule by the abuse of freedom, which is sin? Advent is an excellent time to reconnect with our Lord and Savior, to make a good confession, to “get serious” about prayer once again. May each and every one of you have a most blessed Advent season. In the meantime, you might enjoy listening to the homily that I gave on the feast of Christ the King.
On another note: the Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy will be having a retreat this coming September 5-7, 2014 at Bethany House, the beautiful new retreat center owned and operated by the Nashville Dominicans. I will give the retreat, and capacity is around 30 people. Let me know if you would like to join us for this retreat!
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