In our modern world, we are literally surrounded by noise. We have the sounds of computers, printers, radio, music, television, cars — you name it, we are surrounded by constant sounds. But we need silence in order to hear the “still, small voice, ” the “tiny, whispering sound” — the voice of God. Without silence, it is difficult to really listen, and to hear — with our hearts — what Our Lord Jesus is saying to us.
How can we find the time, and the places, for silence? First of all, we need to make “quiet time” a priority. We need to actually look at how we spend our days, and honestly evaluate where we are wasting time that we could give to God in silence. If our “quiet time” is a priority, then we will find time for it — every day.
How should we spend our silent time? On a daily basis, we should be trying to spend at least 15 minutes (that’s about 1% of our 24-hour day) in silence to contemplate Divine realities. We can go to our “quiet place,” take a few deep breaths to calm our nerves and still our hearts, and place ourselves in the “Presence of God” — recognize His Divine Presence with us, holding us in existence, being nearer to us at our very core than we are to ourselves. If we are in the state of sanctifying grace, we can recognize the Divine Guest within our very soul. Once we are consciously in the Divine Presence, we can begin to meditate on some truth of our Faith, some words of Our Lord, etc. This is one of the great things about “Lectio Divina” — we read, very slowly and reflectively, from God’s Holy Word. We mull over what Our Lord is saying to us, what the Holy Spirit is teaching us, and savor it. We let the Word of God penetrate deep into our mind, heart and soul.
Another great way to spend some time in silence, to hear the voice of God, is to visit the Most Blessed Sacrament at our local parish or Adoration Chapel. Whether Our Blessed Lord is exposed in the monstrance, or hidden within the tabernacle, He is truly present — Body and Blood and Soul (His Sacred Humanity) and Divinity (His Divine Nature, which He shares with the Father and the Holy Spirit). We can kneel or sit there, quietly, and meditate on His words and actions, and we can love Him who has so loved us!
Do we make time to be silent with Our Lord each day? Have we grown in our faith, hope and love through this precious time with Our Savior? Feel free to comment below, and to share your personal experience of intimacy with the Lord Jesus in silence.
Mrs. P says
Most modern church buildings don’t have a place conducive to prayerful reflection or contemplation of holy words. I realized as I read this that I miss that. Thanks for this, Fr. Ben
Bernadette Lennon says
I guess in a way I’m restless in the silence at times because I’m not caught up in god its like being in a clinic waiting for your name to be called when I watch the clock I get anxious waiting for my turn but when I say the rosary I’m more peacefull silence is a bit like that I’m waiting for god to call my name sometimes the wait can be anxious sometimes I’m so caught up in him the silence is beautiful because we love in that moment and yes I’d love more of them
Rob H says
Great article Fr. Ben! Lately reading the Bible I’ve been encouraged to listen instead of talk to God. Your article is like the neon sign I needed to recognize that I need to just do it instead of just think about it. Thank you.