“[L]et us realize that all collective reform must first be individual reform. Let us work at transforming ourselves and our lives. Let us influence those around us, not by useless preaching, but by the irresistible power of our spirituality and the example of our lives.
Let us give ourselves generously and try to strengthen our faith and expand our understanding, confident that all will come to us to be rekindled and to enlighten their hearts and minds….
Let us love. Let our lives be a perpetual song of love for God, first of all, and for all human beings who suffer, love, and mourn. Let deep joy live in us. Let us be like the lark, enemy of the night, who always announces the dawn and awakens in each creature the love of light and life. Let us awaken others to the spiritual life.
Why do we put off doing the good until tomorrow? Why do we wait to be wealthy before giving? Is not the gift of ourselves better than money, and is there any time when we could not offer a tear or a smile to someone who is suffering? Cannot a word from us strengthen someone in distress? Cannot an act of pure love coming from our depths brighten a sad life?
Elisabeth Leseur, a French Catholic married woman, died in 1914. She had offered her life to God for the conversion of her husband, an atheist who hated and mocked all religion. Her husband later became a Trappist monk — God honored her request. Her cause for canonization is currently underway. Her Secret Diary of Elisabeth Leseur and Selected Writings are recommended reading.
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